
ID108-Blind Passing With Multiple Players

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ID108-Blind Passing With Multiple Players

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Question: What happens if all players decide to do a Blind Pass during the Charleston?

Answer: Occasionally, all players may want to do a blind pass during the Charleston. In such case, a process called an IOU (I Owe You) is used, starting with the player who has the greatest number of tiles to pass.  Example: Player with greatest number of tiles to pass begins the passing to the right by saying, “I owe you “X” number of  tiles.” The player to their right is then able to pass their tiles by taking what is needed from the player on their left, and this continues in a clockwise direction.  Once the starting player receives their full pass from the player on their left, they fulfill their IOU by passing their tiles to the right.

Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024, pg. 13, para. 6

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