
ID111-Player Rotation with Four (4) Players

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ID111-Player Rotation with Four (4) Players

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Question: Do players change seats after each Mah Jongg game?

Answer: Players do not change seats after each game when playing with four players. Here are the steps for player rotation with four players:

  1. The East player is considered the original East or “the pivot for the day.” After East rolls the dice to break the wall, the dice are passed to the player on the right. This process is repeated until four games are completed.
  2. At the end of the four games, East (referred to as the pivot), East keeps the dice and switches seats with the player to their right.
  3. Repeat the seat rotation in steps 1 & 2 throughout the playing session.

Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024, page 27, para 1

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