
ID116-Wall Game Variations with Money

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ID116-Wall Game Variations with Money

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Question: If you are playing with money, what happens if a Wall Game occurs?

Answer: There is a common house rule that is called, “Wall Game Kitty.” This ruling is not found in Mah Jongg Made Easy. Here’s how it works:

When a game ends in a wall game, each player contributes a quarter into a dish or “pot”. If any player loses their PIE, their payment to the winner comes out of the “pot”.

Here are some other variations:

  • After each wall game, every player contributes a quarter into the “pot.” At the end of a game the winner is paid his regular winnings and also the value from one wall game. This continues until the wall money is used up.
  • After each wall game, every player contributes a quarter into the “pot.” At the end of the day, the wall game money is divided up between all players.
  • After each wall game, every player contributes a quarter into the “pot.” As the year comes to close or on another designated date, the accumulated wall money would be used for the group to enjoy a dinner out or engage in some other enjoyable activity.

See also ID53, The Deal

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