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ID54-Breaking the Wall
Breaking the wall:
East rolls two dice and then counts the stacks of tiles (a stack includes both the top and bottom tiers of the wall) from right to left according to the sum rolled on the dice. After counting, East creates a gap or ‘break’ in the wall at that point. The wall to the left of the break is pushed to the center of the table at a 45-degree angle. The tiles to the right of the break remain where they came from which is to the far right. It is also a great visual with no tiles on the left representative of an opening which lets you know which wall gets pushed out next. When a player pushes the break in the wall all the way to the left, they can be easily missed when it comes to the end of the game, especially if it is a small break.
Refer to the illustrations provided below for a visual representation of the wall-breaking process:
Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024, pgs. 10 & 11