
Tag: <span>Called tile</span>

ID64-Window of Opportunity for a Calling a Discard

Question: Up to what point can I call a discarded tile? Answer: The “window of opportunity” can be defined as the period of time in which a player can call a discarded tile. The window of opportunity closes when any of the following five things occurs: A player calls a discard and places the discard […]
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ID52-Verbalizing a Called or Claimed Tile

Question: What is the proper way to claim a discarded tile? Answer: A player must verbalize their intention to call a discarded tile. They can say, “call,” “I want it, “I’ll take it,” or any variation thereof such as “wait” or “hold,” as long as they verbalize their intentions before picking up the discard and […]
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ID51-Placement of a Called Tile

Question: Where do you put a tile after you’ve called it? Answer:  Once a player has picked up a called tile, the tile must be put on the top (flat part) of their rack. This is a new ruling and the penalty for not putting the tile on the top of the rack is currently […]
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