Question: If a player discards a tile prior to picking, can another player call that tile for an exposure. Answer: No, if a player discards before they pick, their hand should be declared dead and the discarded tile would not be available to be claimed by anyone. Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024, page 19(g)
Question: When am I committed to taking a tile I call for exposure? Answer: You are committed to taking the call when you have either placed the discard on top of your rack (flat part) or have exposed tiles from your rack (sloped part) and placed them on top of your rack (flat part). You […]
Question: What does the “X” mean on the card? Answer: The letter “X” shown to the right of a hand right indicates that the hand is an exposed hand, meaning you may call a tile and expose it to complete a pung, kong, quint, or sextet. A tile may be called by any player at […]
Question: What is the proper way to claim a discarded tile? Answer: A player must verbalize their intention to call a discarded tile. They can say, “call,” “I want it, “I’ll take it,” or any variation thereof such as “wait” or “hold,” as long as they verbalize their intentions before picking up the discard and […]
Question: During the game, can I call a tile to expose a year hand such as 2023 or a NEWS? Answer: A player may not call to expose a group of single tiles unless the tile called is the winning tile that gives them Mah Jongg. This rule also applies to pairs. A single tile is […]