
Tag: <span>Dead Hand</span>

ID161-Picked Wall Tile is Used for an Exposure

Question: What happens if someone accidentally picks a tile from the wall and places it on top of their rack and then takes other tiles from their rack to form an exposure? Answer: If a player picks a tile from the wall and unintentionally places it on their rack, subsequently adding other tiles from their rack […]
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ID147-Jokers and a Concealed Hand Declared Dead

Question: Can Jokers be exchanged from existing exposures on a Concealed Hand that was later declared dead? Answer: Once a Player’s Concealed Hand is declared dead, all exposures are returned to that Player’s rack. None of the Jokers from a Concealed hand whether prior to or at the time the hand is declared dead are […]
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ID105-Disqualified Player Must Remain Silent

Question: Can a player who has been disqualified still declare another player’s hand dead? Answer: No, a disqualified player cannot declare another player’s hand dead. Once a player’s hand has been declared dead, they are no longer permitted to make any decisions or calls regarding other player’s hands. A disqualified player must remain silent for […]
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ID78-Reasons to Call a Player’s Hand Dead

Question: What are the reasons a player’s hand could be declared dead? Answer:  Following are reasons a player’s hand can be declared dead: A player makes an incorrect exposure A player exposes tiles and it is obvious that based on the exposures there is no viable hand on the card. A player exposes tiles and […]
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ID76-Declaring Your Own Hand Dead 

Question: If a player knows they have a dead hand, should they announce it and stop playing? Answer: A player should not call their hand dead, even if their hand is no longer viable. Instead, they should continue to play defensively doing whatever is necessary to throw only safe tiles and/or Jokers. A player’s hand […]
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