Questions: Can I leave some of my tiles standing on top of my card or standing on the flat part of my rack. Answer: All 13 tiles must be either on the sloped part of your hand (in your rack) or in an exposure or exposures on the flat part of your rack. A player that […]
Question: Do I leave my tiles up on the flat part of my rack after my hand is declared dead? Answer: If you exposed tiles and your hand is declared dead on a concealed hand, all the tiles are returned to the player’s rack (slant part). If your hand was called dead on an exposed hand then […]
Question: Can a player who has been disqualified still declare another player’s hand dead? Answer: No, a disqualified player cannot declare another player’s hand dead. Once a player’s hand has been declared dead, they are no longer permitted to make any decisions or calls regarding other player’s hands. A disqualified player must remain silent for […]
Question: What are the reasons a player’s hand could be declared dead? Answer: Following are reasons a player’s hand can be declared dead: A player makes an incorrect exposure A player exposes tiles and it is obvious that based on the exposures there is no viable hand on the card. A player exposes tiles and […]