Question: If I discard a tile but change my mind and want to discard another tile, can I take it back? Answer: Once a tile has been fully named or has touched the table, it cannot be taken back. Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024 edition, pg. 18 #14
Question: What does the “X” mean on the card? Answer: The letter “X” shown to the right of a hand right indicates that the hand is an exposed hand, meaning you may call a tile and expose it to complete a pung, kong, quint, or sextet. A tile may be called by any player at […]
Question: Someone discarded a tile and misnamed it. However, they had the correct tile in their hand. What happens in this situation? Answer: A player cannot replace a discard with the correct tile from their hand. Instead, it should be brought to the player’s attention and then the tile should be correctly named. Any player […]