
Tag: <span>East</span>

ID189-Naming Tiles

Proper Naming of Mah Jongg Tiles: Bams (1–9): Named 1 Bam, 2 Bam, etc. Dots (1–9): Named 1 Dot, 2 Dot, etc. Craks (1–9): Named 1 Crak, 2 Crak, etc. Flowers: Simply called Flower, regardless of whether they feature a number or an abbreviation for the seasons. Winds (N, E, W, S): Named North, East, […]
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ID168-Discard-East Picks Before Discarding

Question: What happens when the game begins and East picks a tile from the wall prior to discarding and now has 15 tiles in their rack? Answer:  If East hasn’t yet discarded the mistakenly picked tile from the wall, they may return it and then proceed to discard. On the contrary, if East picks an erroneous […]
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ID117-East Moves to the Right

Question: Does East remain in the same position after each game? Answer: No, after the player in the East position rolls the dice to break the wall, they pass the dice to the player on their right. The player with the dice becomes the new East position for the next game, and they roll the […]
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ID111-Player Rotation with Four (4) Players

Question: Do players change seats after each Mah Jongg game? Answer: Players do not change seats after each game when playing with four players. Here are the steps for player rotation with four players: The East player is considered the original East or “the pivot for the day.” After East rolls the dice to break […]
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