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ID132-Three Player, 3 Player Mah Jongg with the Charleston
Question: Is it okay to play the 3 player version with the Charleston? I know the League does not condone this?
Answer: Although the NMJL versions does not include a Charleston, you can certainly add doing it as a house rule. When the Charleston is added to the National Mah Jongg League version, it is considered a table rule. In this case, I prefer the version, “Playing with Sally (or whatever name you give the dummy wall),”
Here are the steps to playing with Sally:
1. Set up 4 walls.
2. Let’s name Sally the dummy wall player.
3. Any one of the players takes 6-8 tiles from Sally’s wall and places them in the middle of the table.
4. Each of players picks 1 of the 6-8 tiles.
5. If any of the 3 tiles picked contains a Joker, arbitrarily place it in Sally’s wall and pick another.
6. Place the 3 tiles in front of Sally’s wall.
7. Proceed with the Charleston as you normally would.
8. Sally’s tiles now become her first right.
Playing this version of the game ensures a Charleston experience as in the 4-player version and assures no one will gets a Joker from Sally, the dummy wall.
See also ID53, The League on House Rules and ID75, 3 Player Mah Jongg Without the Charleston