
ID156-Mah Jongg Rules Without Penalties

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ID156-Mah Jongg Rules Without Penalties

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Question: When playing Mah Jongg, what is the difference between a rule with a penalty and a rule without a penalty?

Answer: In simply terms, rules without penalty have no consequence attached to them.

Below is a list of the rules without penalties found in Mah Jongg Made Easy:

  1. We recommend that each player pick their own tiles and that the tiles be left in stacks of four, as shown in MJME, Page 11.
  2. To claim a discard the player must verbalize their call by letting the other players know that they are claiming the discard. MJME Page 14
  3. It is courteous to leave a space between exposures. MJME Page 15.
  4. When Mah Jongg is declared tiles should be re-arranged to show the correct order. MJME Page 14
  5. When exposing tiles, it is preferable to place the called tile on top of your rack before taking the tiles in your rack to make the exposure has now been changed in the 2023 Bulletin to,  “A called tile must be placed on top of your rack.” MJME Page 15
  6. A “Blind Pass” during the Charleston must not be looked at. MJME Page 12
  7. During the Charleston, your three tiles must always be passed before you take the three tiles that are being passed to you. MJME Page, 12
  8.  A Joker may never be passed during the Charleston. If it is, it must be given back. MJME Page 14, bullet 3 & 23 #8
  9. If a miscalled tile is caused by an invalid exposure, the calling player’s hand is now “dead” and there is no penalty to the discarder of the incorrectly named tile. MJME page 16, #3
  10. A player can not announce their own hand dead, it is up to another players to do so. MJME page 19, #15 & page 20, #18
  11. A player whose hand has been declared “dead” must remain silent for the remainder of that hand. MJME Page 31
  12. If a hand does not improve rapidly during the play and a large portion of the wall is exhausted, the player should break up their hand and discard tiles that are useless for other players. This is called, “Dogging” tiles. Is recommended when a player realizes they cannot make their hand. We suggest that a player not throw a dangerous or obviously hot tile at any time or into a third or fourth exposure.
  13. We suggest that a player not throw a tile that is obviously needed by another player. Defensive play is recommended. MJME Page 30
  14. If a player discards before they pick, their hand should be declared dead. Discarded tile no longer available for a call. MJME Page 19, (g).

Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024

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