
Tag: <span>Dead Hand</span>

ID73-Disqualified Player Must Pay the Winner

Question: What does a disqualified player have to pay the winner? Answer: The reason a player’s hand has been declared dead will determine the payout by that player to the winner.  There are multiple answers defining dead hand payouts in Mah Jongg Made Easy and in Bulletins.  Source:  Mah Jongg Made Easy 2020 page 16 […]
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ID65-Exchanging Jokers from a Dead Hand

Question:.  Can Jokers be exchanged from a hand that’s been declared dead? Answer: Jokers in valid exposures before a hand is declared dead are still available for a Joker exchange.  Jokers in incorrect exposures at the time a hand is declared dead, whether noticed right away or later in the game, are returned to the  […]
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ID39-Picking From the Wrong End of the Wall 

Question: What happens if a player picks a tile from the wrong end of the wall? Answer:  Below are the rules for picking from the wrong end of the wall: If a player picks from the wrong end, their hand is dead and the other players continue. If a player picks from the wrong end, […]
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ID38-Player Picks Out of Turn 

Question: What happens if a player picks out of turn?  Answer: If a player picks out of turn, their hand should be called dead. Here are several scenarios that determine what happens next: If the player who picked out of turn has not racked the tile, it should be returned to the same place in the […]
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ID32-Pick First then Exchange Jokers

Question: When it is my turn is it okay to exchange my Joker before I pick a tile from the wall? Answer: You must pick a tile from the wall before doing a joker exchange. If you do a Joker exchange before you pick a tile, one of your opponent’s should call your hand “dead”.   […]
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