
ID172-Mah Jongg in Error – Dead Hand Examples and Payouts for 3 and 4 Players

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ID172-Mah Jongg in Error – Dead Hand Examples and Payouts for 3 and 4 Players

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# Scenario 4 Player Payout 3 Player Payout Source


Player A declares Mah Jongg in error, but hasn’t put up any exposures. tiles.

Game proceeds with all players, and there is no penalty to the declarer.

All players pay the winner at the end of the game. All players pay the winner at the end of the game. *MJME, pg. 21, para. 2
2 Player A declares Mah Jongg and puts one exposure on top of their rack.

Then Player A says, “Oops, I don’t have Mah Jongg.”

Play continues with all players with no penalty to anyone.

Payout as usual Payout as usual *MJME, pg.21, para. 3
3 Player A declares Mah Jongg in error.

Player B throws in hand or declares Mah Jongg in error.

C and D continue to play.

Player C’s hand goes dead.

Player C pays Player D double the value of the hand Player C was attempting to make. Player B pays Player C, double the value of the hand Player B was attempting to make. *MJME, pg. 22b
4 Player A declares Mah Jongg in error.

B and C throw in their hand.

Player D stops playing.

Player A pays Player D double value of Player A’s Hand. Player A pays Player C, double the value of Player A’s Hand. *MJME, pg. 22c
5 Player A declares Mah Jongg in error.

B destroys wall so C and D can’t continue.

Player B pays lowest value on the card to Players C and D. Player B pays lowest value on the card to Player C. *MJME, pg. 22d
6 3 Dead hands that did not result from any Mah Jongg. All throw in.  No one gets paid.

Game starts over.

All throw in.  No one gets paid.

Game start over.

*MJME, pg. 22e
*Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024 edition published by the National Mah Jongg League
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