
Tag: <span>Joker</span>

ID65-Exchanging Jokers from a Dead Hand

Question:.  Can Jokers be exchanged from a hand that’s been declared dead? Answer: Jokers in valid exposures before a hand is declared dead are still available for a Joker exchange.  Jokers in incorrect exposures at the time a hand is declared dead, whether noticed right away or later in the game, are returned to the  […]
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ID129-Use of Jokers in Exposures

Question: How many Jokers can a player use in an exposure? Answer: A player may use as many jokers as needed to call (claim) a tile needed to complete a pung, kong, quint, or sextet. A player should use Jokers wisely and consider factors such as but not limited to being in the beginning, middle, […]
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ID48-Joker Exchanges Are Optional 

Question: The other day, I strategically did not do a Joker exchange. Another player made a big deal out of it as if I’d made a mistake. Is there a rule that requires me to do a Joker exchange? Answer: There is no requirement to do a Joker exchange. In some cases, a player may […]
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ID41-Any Number of Jokers in an Exposure

Question: Is there a limit on how many Jokers I can use in an exposure? Answer: There is no limit as to how many Jokers may be used to complete an exposure or use in your hand to complete a Pung, Kong, Quint or Sextet. For example, a Pung of 1 Dots can be a […]
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ID36-Jokers Exchange with a Symbol Tile

Question: Can I use a Joker from my hand to exchange with a symbol tile from mine or someone else’s exposure? Answer: A Joker cannot be used to exchange a symbol  tile (any tile except a Joker). Only symbol tiles are eligible for exchange with a Joker.    Source:  Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024 page […]
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