Changes In Our Tile Sets American Mah Jongg has evolved since the standardization of rules by the National Mah Jongg League in 1937, with annual rule updates and changes in the number of Flowers and Jokers. Originally. the League treated Flowers as Jokers also referred to as “Wild Flowers.” Then, beginning with the 1943 card, […]
Question: What happens if someone discards a joker, misnames it a flower and a player calls the flower for Mah Jongg. Is the Mah Jongg legit? Answer: If a joker is misnamed, and the misnamed joker is needed for Mah Jongg, the game stops and the player who misnamed the joker pays for the table. This is […]
Question: Can Jokers be exchanged from existing exposures on a Concealed Hand that was later declared dead? Answer: Once a Player’s Concealed Hand is declared dead, all exposures are returned to that Player’s rack. None of the Jokers from a Concealed hand whether prior to or at the time the hand is declared dead are […]
Question: What exactly is Joker Bait? Answer: Joker Bait is a strategy that can provide an opportunity for you to do a Joker exchange. The term was coined by Tom Sloper of Sloperama. Joker Bait doesn’t always work but when it does, you’ve just strategically gained a Joker. Here’s how Joker Bait works: Keep a pair that you’ve […]
Question: Is there any strategy when using jokers? Answers: Absolutely there is. Check out this article: Jokers play a significant role in Mah Jongg, similar to wild cards in card games. They provide opportunities for strategic gameplay. Here are some of the key strategies to consider when using jokers: Utilize jokers in Sets: Unlike card […]
Question: How many Jokers can a player use in an exposure? Answer: A player may use as many jokers as needed to call (claim) a tile needed to complete a pung, kong, quint, or sextet. A player should use Jokers wisely and consider factors such as but not limited to being in the beginning, middle, […]
Question: Is there a limit on how many Jokers I can use in an exposure? Answer: There is no limit as to how many Jokers may be used to complete an exposure or use in your hand to complete a Pung, Kong, Quint or Sextet. For example, a Pung of 1 Dots can be a […]
Question: Can I use a Joker from my hand to exchange with a symbol tile from mine or someone else’s exposure? Answer: A Joker cannot be used to exchange a symbol tile (any tile except a Joker). Only symbol tiles are eligible for exchange with a Joker. Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024 page […]
Question: What are the proper steps for doing a Joker exchange? What if I call a tile and want to do a Joker exchange so that I can add it to my exposure, can this be done? Answer: Joker exchanges can only be done after you’ve picked a tile from the wall. If you call […]
Question: Are Joker exchanges allowed when playing a concealed hand? Answer: A player is entitled to do a Joker exchange regardless of whether they are playing an exposed or concealed hand. Source: Mah Jongg Made Easy 2024, page 23, #1